Miracle Falcon FRP 1.3 Free Pack | Extra Exclusive Setup Download
Miracle Falcon FRP 1.3 Free Pack | Extra Exclusive
We are Glad to Present New FRP Pack, Free for Falcon & Key Users

To Make Work Easy, We Will Cover as Manny Brands and Models Possible
Frp Pack Features
Added One Click FRP Removal Support for Following MTK in Flash Mode Generic Method** no Need Model Selection it will Auto Detect
Exclusive Update News
[+] Added Frp Remove for Following Alcatel Models (2 Different Methods)[+] Edl or Adb Mode
[+] Alcatel OT-4044L (Go FLIP LTE)
[+] Alcatel OT-4044M (Go FLIP LTE Can)
[+] Alcatel OT-4044N (Go FLIP LTE TMO)
[+] Alcatel OT-4044O (Go FLIP LTE ATT)
[+] Alcatel OT-4044T (Go FLIP LTE SPR)
[+] Alcatel OT-4044V (Go FLIP LTE CAN)
[+] Alcatel OT-4044W (Go FLIP LTE TMO)
[+] Alcatel OT-4060A (Ideal Lte)
[+] Alcatel OT-4060S (PIXI 4-4.5 LTE Lte)
[+] Alcatel OT-4060D (STREAK Ideal Lte Can)
[+] Alcatel OT-4060W (PIXI 4-4.5 LTE TMO)
[+] Alcatel OT-4060O[+] Alcatel OT-5054[+] Alcatel OT-5151D[+] Alcatel OT-6055
[+] Alcatel OT-5046G [+] Alcatel OT-5042A [+] Alcatel OT-5042D
[+] Alcatel OT-5042G [+] Alcatel OT-5042W [+] Alcatel OT-5042X
[+] Alcatel OT-5044G [+] Alcatel OT-5044R [+] Alcatel OT-5044G
[+] Alcatel OT-5046G-AM [+] Alcatel OT-5046G-OM [+] Alcatel OT-5050A
[+] Alcatel OT-5050S [+] Alcatel OT-5050S [+] Alcatel OT-5050Y
[+] Alcatel OT-5050X [+] Alcatel OT-5051A
[+] Alcatel OT-5051D [+] Alcatel OT-5051J
[+] Alcatel OT-5051M [+] Alcatel OT-5051X
[+] Alcatel OT-5051T [+] Alcatel OT-5054A [+] Alcatel OT-5054D
[+] Alcatel OT-5054N [+] Alcatel OT-5054O [+] Alcatel OT-5054S
[+] Alcatel OT-5054T [+] Alcatel OT-5054W [+] Alcatel OT-5054X
[+] Alcatel OT-5055S [+] Alcatel OT-5055W [+] Alcatel OT-5056A
[+] Alcatel OT-5056D [+] Alcatel OT-5056E[+] Alcatel OT-5056J
[+] Added Frp Removal for Coolpad Models (3 Different Methods)
[+] Coolpad Max A8[+] Coolpad N1 5370-I00[+] Coolpad Note 3s Y91-100
[+] Coolpad Note 5 3600i[+] Coolpad Shine R106[+] Coolpad Torino R108
[+] Coolpad 3622A[+] Coolpad 5236S[+] Coolpad 5263CS
[+] Coolpad 7105[+] Coolpad C3635A[+] Coolpad Catalyst 3622A
[+] Coolpad Changer Cool S1[+] Coolpad Cool 1 C1-S00
[+] Coolpad Cool Play 6[+] Coolpad F1 8297[+] Coolpad Fancy E561
[+] Improved Mtk Android Frp
Still not Have Falcon ?
Make Sure you Check our Free Packs Br [SV] Miracle Team
old FRP Updates : Fastest Update EverFrp 1.2 Link 26th Jan 2018
Frp 1.1 Link 11th Jan 2018 Frp 1.0 Link 2nd Jan 2018

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