Z3X-BOX Update. Samsung Tool 29.3.1 Released.
Z3X-BOX Update. Samsung Tool 29.3.1 Released
New phones and additional function added:
- support SM-G532F (Direct read codes (without root)) - first in the world
- support SM-G532G (Direct read codes (without root)) - first in the world
- support SM-G532M (Direct read codes (without root)) - first in the world
- support SM-G532MT (Direct read codes (without root)) - first in the world
- support SM-J530F (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J530FM (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J530G (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J530GM (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J530K (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J530L (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J530Y (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J530YM (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J730F (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J730FM (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J730G (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J730GM (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J730K (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J701F (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J701M (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
- support SM-J701MT (Repair + Patch cert (repair network))
Additional Repair and patch cert (repair network) for Marvell PXA: - first in the world
- addition support SM-G361F (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-G388F (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-G531F (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-G531M (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-G531Y (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-J100F (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-J100FN (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-J100G (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-J100M (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-J100MU (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-J100MV (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-J100Y (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-J110F (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-J110G (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-J110M (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-T239 (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-T2397 (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-T239C (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- addition support SM-T239M (Repair and Patch Cert (repair network)) - first in the world
- support SM-T310 (Flashing, Read/Write/Reset EFS, reboot download/recovery)
- Odin protocol updated

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