Nokia 6300 Flashing Solution With Infinity Best Dongle
Nokia 6300 Flashing Solution With Infinity Best Dongle
Nokia 6300 Full Flash Done
Connect phone on selected interface...
Phone found!
Series 40 Device detected!
read info... - Ok
Core : v2.25 , BB5XG FlashEngine : v10.3
Selected FlashSettings : Manual
Check FlashFiles, Please, wait...
Files Set for Flashing :
MCU : rm217__07.30.mcusw
PPM : rm217__07.21.ppm_mea4
CNT : rm217__07.21.image_mea4_red
Flashing phone now...
[Gen] Rules accepted for : RAP3x Generation
Check files done...
-> SWversion check skipped : Manual mode selected
Backup CRT308 data...
CRT308 Backup Created
Getting product info...
RAP_BOOT: 0901010002010000
RAP_PUBLIC: 1750021622FD7A56612E8B8130CF34D886FBCD6E
RAP_PAPUBKEY: 7F7E6491E8D30494B45630BB3A8599F4E1C674C9
Checking CNT sector PN<>FL
PN CNT sector : 128 kb
ConvertImage: Processing rm217__07.21.image_mea4_red
ConvertImage: Page Size is 64K, converting...
ConvertImage: File converted
Loader len: 248320, CHK: 36E3
ADL -> Sending loader...
Update Server code succesfully sent to phone!
TIME : Boot time : 00:00:03
Reopening the connection...
Waiting for response: 30
ADL -> [2nd] changing...
ADL Server confirm flashmode!
ADL : Check data
ADL : Data accepted
===Flashing [MCU]===
Erase : Processing rm217__07.30.mcusw
Found 9 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x00000000 - 0x000006BF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x000006C0 - 0x0001FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00020000 - 0x0007FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00080000 - 0x000DFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00100000 - 0x001FFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00200000 - 0x0031FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x00320000 - 0x0105FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x01060000 - 0x01067FFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
Erasing area 0x01068000 - 0x0107FFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:00:59
Write : Processing rm217__07.30.mcusw
Total 944 [944/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [KEYS]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PRIMAPP]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PASUBTOC]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [UPDAPP]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [DSP0]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [MCUSW]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [PMM_CONF]
CMT : Writing Hash CERT [SBIF_CONF]
TIME : Write time : 00:01:25
MCU Write done
===Flashing [PPM]===
Erase : Processing rm217__07.21.ppm_mea4
Found 1 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x01080000 - 0x015FFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:00:13
Write : Processing rm217__07.21.ppm_mea4
Total 243 [243/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
TIME : Write time : 00:00:21
PPM Write done
===Flashing [CNT]===
Erase : Processing rm217__07.21.image_mea4_red_128
Found 1 areas to erase
Erasing area 0x01600000 - 0x01FDFFFF, NOR, CMT
Result: 0000
TIME : Erase time : 00:00:48
Write : Processing rm217__07.21.image_mea4_red_128
Total 208 [208/0/0] blocks to write, writing...
TIME : Write time : 00:00:19
CNT Write done
ADL : End flashing
Flashing done!
Total flash time : 00:04:09
Reboot phone now...
Reading Phone Info....
Connected phone - Nokia 6300
Software Info: V 07.30 07-05-09 RM-217 (c) Nokia.
IMEI: 355714025691236
PPM version : V 07.21 05-11-08 RM-217 (c) Nokia. MEA
Product code: 0515747
Wait, when phone will be ready ...
SimLock status : SimLock is Ok
Security status : Security is Ok
Read Info Done!
Processing After Flash Defaults...
FullFactorySet... Ok!
ServiceDefaultsSet... Ok!
LeaveDefaultsSet... Ok!
Check and Upload User Certificates ...
Total - 0 certs
Uploading User Certificates...
Uploaded 26 certs!
Battery voltage is enough for start
Set phone to Normal mode...
AfterFlash operations done ;D
Elapsed: 00:04:47
Connect phone on selected interface...
Phone found!
Series 40 Device detected!
read info... - Ok
Phone disconected!
Connect phone on selected interface...
Phone found!
Series 40 Device detected!
read info... - Ok
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